40 Investments In 5-Minutes — Part 03
The third part in our “40 Investments In 5-Minutes” essay series.
Unlike the first two parts of this series, the 5 investments outlined in this essay are primarily focused on our mind, as well as our own creative abilities.
You will learn some simple, easy ways to tap into your innate creativity, while also adjusting your perspective in a way that allows for new possibilities and paths to arise.
So, with that being said, let’s dive in!
Investment 01: Go Into Your Future And Remember When
My favorite “manifestation method”, as it were, is “Going To The End”.
To go to the end, you must imagine a future moment that implies the fulfillment of whatever it is that you long for and truly desire.
For some people — myself, included — it can be hard to define an exact moment/scene that implies the fulfillment of a particular wish.
So, there’s something else you can do.
You can, instead, step into a future moment, using your imagination, and remember when.
You can remember when you wanted to be who you are now.
You can remember when you wanted to earn the money you are earning now.
You can remember when you wanted to live where you are living now.
You can remember when you wanted to do what you are doing now.
You can remember when you weren’t sure if this year was going to be a good year.
You can remember when you weren’t sure if you were going to succeed.
You can remember when you wanted something and, now, in that future moment, find yourself smiling at the thought, for you are living the life you truly wished to live.
To ensure that this method is especially successful, my advice is to do some deep breathing, so that you can relax, while also adding sensory details to the scenes that arise.
You must step into the feeling of being the person you are, in the future you are remembering from, while also stepping into the feelings of having what you desire.
If you can do that, then you will be as blessed as you wish to be.
Investment 02: Hype Yourself Up
Sometimes, we feel weak, powerless, unsuccessful; among other descriptors.
To some degree, these feelings can be useful, serving as the catalyst for change and transformation.
For the most part, though, they are not.
Rather, these feelings serve as a force that undermines and erodes our self-esteem, while also forcing us to neglect our innate creative abilities, as well as the beauty and magnificence we truly are and, if we choose to, can always be.
To get out of this rut, sometimes, the best thing to do is to hype yourself up.
To hype yourself up, in a way that brings energy and inspiration to the forefront of your experience, while also inspiring a cacophony of new thoughts and paths, all of which aid in the fulfillment of your aims and ambitions.
The easiest way to hype yourself up is, in my experience, returning to a memory.
Returning to a memory of when you succeeded at something important or did something really cool.
Just return to that memory for a minute or two, allowing yourself to enjoy the sensations and feelings it brings, letting its power overtake you.
Let yourself experience the power of that memory.
Let yourself remember the power and creativity that you truly are.
Right now, at this moment, all the resources you need, to rekindle those same feelings and that same sense of success, are available to you.
Investment 03: Meditate On The Infinite Abundance Of The Universe
Our universe is one of infinite abundance.
Just take a look at the stars above us.
A never ending abundance of planets, stars, galaxies, celestial bodies.
Just take a look below you.
A never ending abundance of life, growth, vegetation.
Just step into your mind.
A never ending abundance of ideas, possibilities, thoughts.
And so on and so forth, infinitely and endlessly.
Our universe is one of infinite abundance.
The moment you step into this awareness is the moment that a great sense of awe and appreciation will — or, at least, can — come over you.
A simple meditative act, every single day, is enough to keep me aware of the infinite possibilities that exist, as well as the infinite beauty and abundance of our universe.
The more you surround yourself with moments and concepts that affirm the infinite abundance of the universe, the more you begin to act in ways that are aligned with these truths.
I’m not sure what the results will be, for you, when it comes to taking these actions and experiencing this infinite abundance. But, what I can say is that the possibilities available to you are far more vast than you can ever know and, as such, you are free to dream and live in the most beautiful, loving, personal ways you wish to.
Investment 04: Meditate On The Infinite Possibilities That Exist
Our universe is one of infinite abundance.
Our lives are lives of infinite possibilities.
Since we, as human beings, live in a world that is infinitely abundant with possibilities, our lives are similarly infinite in the possibilities they offer and allow for.
Just take a moment and meditate on the infinite possibilities that exist for you.
Right now, you are living a life that is, in essence, the sum total of your decisions.
But, what if you had made different decisions?
Return to some of the most formative decisions you made and, then, consider where you would be, and who you would be, had you made different decisions.
To go along with that, consider making some big decisions right now.
Let your mind wander into the future.
Assuming you made those decisions, who would you be?
What kind of life would you be living?
You can even go into those future moments and continue to make bold, unique decisions that, naturally, lead into an abundance of unique possibilities.
Even if you spend hours contemplating these decisions, as well as the possibilities each decision allows for you, you will have only scratched the smallest point on an infinite surface.
No matter the situation you are faced with, or the person you are right now, know that there is always an infinite number of possibilities available to you.
Investment 05: Take 11 Deep Breaths
Just about everyone could use a little more peace in their life.
Fortunately, there’s an easy, almost effortless, way to bring more peace into your life.
Just take 11 deep breaths.
Or more, for that matter.
You can take these 11 deep breaths anywhere.
Just let yourself breathe in deeply and, then, breathe out deeply.
You will bring in new oxygen and expunge the old oxygen.
A relaxed mood, inner peace, reduced stress, more energy; these are just some of the many benefits that deep breathing can bring into your experience.
As always, thank you so much for reading this essay.
My hope is that you enjoyed reading about these investments and that, more importantly, you feel inspired to play with them, finding the ones that work for you.
No matter the reason, if you would like to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.
Best wishes, and have a lovely day!