3 Visions Of Endless Writing, Language, And Transcendence
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
3 visions of infinity that center on endless writing, language, essays, documents; ad infinitum.
So, with that in mind, let’s begin!
Vision 01: A New Vision Of Exponential Growth
Our first vision is a riff on “exponential growth.”
Something that grows exponentially must double itself.
Just as an example, “1” turns into “2” and, then, “2” turns into “4.”
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
But, what if exponential growth, as it’s commonly understood, was different.
Our first vision is a growth process in which things are multiplied to themselves by 7.
You begin with “1.”
And, then, “1” turns into “7.”
Right after that, “7” turns into “49.”
Just after that, “49” turns into “343.”
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can imagine starting off with one essay.
And, then, it turns into forty-nine essays.
The process continues, every second.
Right as a single eleven second interval concludes, you have 1,977,326,743 essays.
Just for clarity’s sake, the number seen above is 1.9 billion.
Or, well, close to it. But, a fair bit bigger.
The above occurs after only eleven growths.
You can imagine, then, what might happen if this process occured over the span of, say, a year.
Or, even, a single day.
Vision 02: A Hyper-Plex
Our second vision is rooted in a plex.
A plex is when you take a number — “1,” for example — and, then, make a new number.
Your new number is the first number, with that number of zeros in front of it.
Just as an example, if you plex “1,” you get “10.”
The reason for the above is as follows: “10” is just “1,” with one zero in front of it.
Our second vision is a different type of plex.
Let’s say you have the number “1.”
If you “hyper-plex” this number, you do four things:
- You add one zero.
- You get the number “10.”
- You multiply “10” by a number ten times greater than it.
- You add “100” zeros to the number “1.”
Our hyper-plex allows “1” to turn into:
The process is a little confusing. But, it is fun!
Just as yet another example, if you plex “10,” you can add ten zeros to the number.
On top of that, you multiply “10”, by a number ten times greater than it.
That number would, of course, be “100.”
You multiply 10,000,000,000 by 100.
Which is what?
1 trillion zeros.
If you were forced to write down this number, it would take you 32,000 years to write.
Or, at least, it would, if you wrote one digit, every second.
You can apply our “hyper-plex” concept to endless essays, journal entries, documents, writings; ad infinitum.
Vision 03: Growing Beyond The Conceptual Hierarchy
Our third vision is rooted in conceptual hierarchies.
You can imagine a ladder.
On every rung of this ladder, there is a new infinity.
You have the first infinity.
Just as you have the second infinity.
And, then, the third infinity.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
The ladder is infinite.
No matter how high you go, you will never reach an ending.
You can imagine a “creation” function that allows an infinite wealth of documents to be grown.
Grown by infinite infinities.
You start off with an infinite abundance.
And, then, that infinite abundance becomes infinitely more vast.
The process continues infinitely.
No endings, limits, boundaries, conclusions; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can imagine a process after this one.
A spark that allows this infinite abundance of writing to transcend infinity itself.
You can imagine going into a higher realm of notions far greater than infinity.
And, even, far greater than limits, mathematics, dimensionality, quantities; ad infinitum.
Just beyond this new set of notions — notions we cannot even conceive of — you can imagine an infinite wealth of even higher, greater, more extraordinary notions.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Our infinite wealth of writing grows and expands — ad infinitum, of course — in accordance with notions of vastness, infinity, and endlessness that not even we can conceive of, imagine, understand, or know; ad infinitum.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this essay, please feel free to reach out with an email sent to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a lovely day!