3 Lovely Benefits Of Daily Journaling
Our goal, with this essay, is clarifying.
Clarifying the three most notable benefits that daily journaling can bring into your life.
My hope is that you enjoy this essay.
Even more than that, my hope is that you journal and, in doing so, enjoy the benefits that it has given me.
My Journaling Story
Sometime in 2011, my first journal was born.
“The Diary.”
That was the name.
Just…”The Diary.”
Many of my earliest entries were lost.
But, in 2016, these entries began to be saved.
If you look at these entries, you can see dreams, vague aspirations, melancholic remembrances, ideas for fantasy worlds; and so on and so forth.
None of this journaling is particularly insightful. But, while reading it, certain facts, memories, and moments — mostly those that have been forgotten — return to me.
And, it is this fact that serves as one of the core benefits of daily journaling.
Right before we go into those three benefits, though, there are a few other things to clarify.
Starting in 2019, a new journal was created.
Every week — “Week 01,” of March of 2024, for example — its own, stand-alone document.
Each week comprises a month, which is its own folder.
All of these folders comprise a larger folder.
“The Journal Of 2024.”
Or, of course, some other year, depending on what year it is.
Every single day, a few minutes are set aside to jot down what happened, what we’re thinking about, what’s going on; and so on and so forth.
Returning to these journals is always revealing; my thoughts are recorded and, inturn, so is the person who once had those thoughts and their wishes, yearnings, feelings; and so on and so forth.
The benefits of journaling have come forth, and been enjoyed, through this particular journal.
Our essay, then, is centered on the benefits that arise from writing a journal as often as possible, for the days and weeks and months that comprise a particular year of our lives.
My hope is that this essay inspires you to write a journal.
A journal that is rooted in the passage of time and, in turn, the moments that make up a lifetime.
Benefit 01: You Preserve
Our first benefit is simple.
If you write a daily journal — or, even, a journal you write in, every other day, or so — you preserve
You preserve your life.
You preserve the life that you are living. And, the life that you were living.
It’s moments. It’s shape. It’s contours. It’s texture. It’s emotions.
And so on and so forth.
You can return to this journal, then, at any time.
The act of doing so will allow you to return to the person you once were.
On its own, this is nothing special.
If you embrace a larger, more long-term perspective, though, then this is special.
You can use your journal to witness,and understand, your growth.
Your growth. Your evolution. Your development.
You can see where you were. And, perhaps, where you’re going.
All of this leads to our second benefit.
Benefit 02: You Remember
If you write in a daily journal, you learn to remember.
No, that is not true.
You remember.
There is no “learning.”
You remember because you journal about who you are, what you are doing, the thoughts you are experiencing.
And so on and so forth.
If there is a moment, in your life, that you would like to return to, you can open up your journal and do so.
Don’t get me wrong, a journal cannot, and should not, encapsulate the entirety of your life.
Or, for that matter, yourself.
A journal can serve as a memorandum — not unlike a photograph or video — of a particular moment.
But, unlike a traditional memorandum, a journal captures your thoughts, your feelings, your voice; it’s all there and it can all be experienced again, through the lens of your present self.
If you journal, you remember.
Benefit 03: You Clarify
Our third, and final, benefit, is clarification.
If you write in a daily journal, you clarify.
Clarify what?
Your thoughts. The moment. Your feelings.
And so on and so forth.
If you journal regularly, you learn to clarify what you are feeling, who you are in that moment, what you are looking for, what just happened.
And so on and so forth.
On its own, this is nice.
It’s a nice thing.
But, it’s more than a nice thing.
The fruits of your newfound clarity can, and will, allow you to understand yourself and your deepest wishes.
You can use this clarity to live in the ways that you wish to live, while bringing forth the wishes that align with the way you wish to live.
The above is just one example.
Clarity is the key to intention.
To the intentions that light up your soul and enchant your life.
If you lack clarity, then acting, and living, with purpose is far more challenging.
Journaling, then, is a shortcut — well, that’s one word for it — to clarity.
To the kind of clarity that enchants every facet of your life.
Every facet of your life and, in turn, every facet of yourself.
A daily journal can, and will change your life.
For the better.
My hope is that this inspired you to, at the very least, consider journaling.
No matter what, though, thank you so much for reading!
If you wish to reach me, you can do so by sending an email to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a lovely day!