3 Experiments That Can Change Your Life
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
3 experiments that can, and will, change your life.
The Power Of Experimentation
The title of this essay is a lie.
Our three experiments can change your life.
But, if you aren’t interested in what they center on, they probably won’t.
If you are me, though, then these experiments can change your life.
Even more than that, they have changed your life — well, my life — in the relatively recent past.
All of this centers on an idea that is of note.
Experimentation is very, very powerful.
If we allow ourselves to use an idea, or to follow a path, with the goal of “seeing what happens,” things happen.
Good things.
Or, at least, that has been my experience.
Just as an example, in May of 2022, I conducted an experiment in which I appreciated my wealth, success, and abundance on a daily basis.
If honesty permits, a great deal of this wealth, success, and abundance was imagined.
Desired. But, imagined.
Right within that period of time, I received a 200% raise and several new clients.
To this day, that experience excites me; it was so effortless and fun, yet so effective.
Other experiments have produced similarly incredible results.
My hope is that the experiments found right below produce extraordinary results.
Even if they don’t, though, it will be very fun to conduct these and, in doing so, to see what happens.
Experiment 01: Appreciate The Books We Love To Read
Our first experiment is very simple.
We make an “I really love” list that goes over the things we love about the amazing books we are reading.
Right now, we aren’t reading these books.
But, if we write this list, then we will be.
We will be drawn to the right books.
Or, at least, that is the idea.
Just as an example, we will appreciate reading books about inspiration, passion, and infinity.
And so on and so forth.
On top of that, we will appreciate reading books that are so good, we cannot wait to read them every single day.
You can learn more about “I really love lists” by clicking here to read my “The ‘I Really Love…’ List” essay.
Experiment 02: Drink From The Infinite Ocean
Our second experiment involves taking a nice, big drink from the infinite ocean.
The infinite ocean of ideas, concepts, notions, paracosms, thoughts, paths, visions, gifts.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can learn more about this by reading my “A Special Tool For Transcendent Concepts” essay.
We are going to drink from our infinite ocean.
Our intention is to obtain a new, absolutely magnificent, conceptual path.
A concept that leads to new, exciting paths, within my life.
Just as an example, “gratitude games” was, in 2022, one such concept.
Yet another concept was “visions of infinity” which led to me writing a book.
By conducting this experiment, we will, ideally, obtain a new concept.
A new concept that enchants us in a truly magnificent way.
Or, even more ideally, a multitude of new concepts that enchant us.
Experiment 03: Giving Yourself The Gift Of Pleasant Thoughts
Our thoughts are powerful.
If we think a thought long enough, and often enough, that thought becomes part of our physical being.
Our brain,that is; the structure of our brain is affected by the thoughts we think.
You can extrapolate this to many other facets of life.
Or, at least, you can, if you’re me and you’ve had experiences not unlike mine.
Regardless of that, our thoughts matter.
Given this fact, we can, and should, think pleasant thoughts.
Pleasant thoughts about just how lovely, capable, imaginative, and beautiful we truly are.
And so on and so forth.
You can do this for five minutes every single day.
Just affirm, in a lovely, pleasant way, your magnificence.
Even if you can’t feel it — you may not believe that you are amazing, despite the fact that you are — let yourself enjoy this rich, lovely thoughts that affirm your magnificence.
If you do so, then you, and your life, will change in subtle, but lovely, ways.
Just to wrap this up, thank you so much for reading!
If you wish to reach me, please feel free to do so by sending an email to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a great day!