3 Easy, Fun Lists For Instant Inspiration

Maxwell Akin
5 min readSep 7, 2023


Our goal, with this essay, is to combine.

To combine three ideas in a new, unique way.

And, with the above in mind, these three ideas are as follows:

  • Making a list.
  • Gratitude and appreciation.
  • Commanding inspiration.

Every single one of the methods outlined below came from the three ideas listed above.

Regarding the latter item on that list, you can use the three methods these three ideas — well, really just the first two — have led to as a means of commanding and invoking any particular mood, feeling, or emotion that serves you.

A Wealth Of Inspiration

Out of all the moods, feelings, and emotions — and so on and so forth — that one can experience, inspiration is quite possibly my very favorite.

You see, inspiration is more than just “inspiration.”

Rather, inspiration is awe, enthusiasm, passion, energy, creativity, movement, flow, possibility, imagination.

And so on and so forth.

A state of inspiration is so very rich with the gifts that come together to make life the beautiful gift it truly is.

With the above in mind, here are three list-based methods — rather odd phrase, come to think of it — you can use to command and invoke inspiration with remarkable ease!

Method 01: Invoking The Inspiration You Crave

To conduct our first method, you need a notebook, computer, journal — you get the idea — and a pen or pencil.

Or, of course, some other writing utensil, such as a keyboard or stylus, if you’re using your computer or a tablet.

Right after you acquire these materials, you must take a nice deep breath.

Just take a nice, deep breath.

And, then, take another one.

You can keep taking breaths until you feel relaxed.

Or, at least, as relaxed as you can be, at this time.

Right after you enter this state of relaxation, open your notebook.

And, with your notebook ready to go, write down something like the following: “I intend to be inspired.”

Just write that down.

And, then, write down at least three more statements that involve your intentions and inspiration.

Some of my favorite statements include “I intend to enjoy this inspiration” and “I intend to surrender to this inspiration” and “I intend to let this inspiration lead to me ideas.”

You can be as specific or as direct as you want.

Right after you write down your statements, you must write “Thank you!”

And, when you write those words, allow yourself to feel grateful.

To feel grateful for the inspiration you are experiencing.

You can write “Thank you!” just once. But, if you’re like me, you will write it over and over.

Soon after you are finished writing “Thank you,” you can let go and know that you will be inspired soon enough.

Method 02: Appreciating The Inspiration You Crave

Our second method is very similar to the method outlined above. But, there is one notable distinction.

And, with the above in mind, the notable distinction in question is as follows: you are not merely intending to be inspiring, you are appreciating the inspiration that you have chosen to experience.

To accomplish this, you must make a list that consists of at least three statements.

Every statement you write must look a little something like this: “I really appreciate the inspiration I enjoyed and I really appreciate the new ideas that I came up with and just how much fun it was to come up with them.”

You can use “I really love” or “I’m really thankful,” — and so on and so forth — if those feel better to you.

You can be more detailed. Or, you can be less detailed.

No matter what, you must write statements that do two things: invoke appreciation for the inspiration you wish to experience and, in doing so, clarify the inspiration you wish to experience.

Just as an example, if you wish to experience inspiration regarding your life and the unending possibilities available to you, then you can produce a statement that goes something like “I really appreciate just how rich my life is and just how inspired I am by what I can do and just how many wonderful possibilities I am choosing to explore.”

Right after you write a statement, allow yourself to feel it.

To really feel the appreciation that arises from your experience of the inspiration you yearn for.

And, right after you finish producing these statements, you must write “Thank you!”

You can write “Thank you!” as many times as you want.

No matter what, though, you must experience the richness of this “Thank you!” every time you write it and read it.

Method 03: Going To The End

Our third, and final, method is very similar to the two methods outlined above.

But, of course, there are a few distinctions.

Right away, the first distinction is that this method can rely upon “I intend” statements and “I appreciate” statements.

Or, as with the second method, other, related, statements.

The second, and most important, distinction, is that you are going to the end.

You are going to the end of the inspiration you wish to receive.

And, in going to the end of the inspiration you wish to receive, you assert something more than just inspiration.

Rather, you assert that you can command inspiration with remarkable ease, at any time you wish.

You are your own, personal source of inspiration.

To conduct this method, then, you must choose a statement — or set of statements — that work for you.

And, then, you must write as if you can command inspiration with ease and have been doing so.

Just as an example, you might write “I really appreciate the fact that I can command inspiration with such ease and that I have been, for quite some time; it’s so nice to do this and I really love it and I’m so thankful for this.”

You can also write “I intend to” statements — among other verbiage, as it were — if those statements feel better.

To conclude this method, you must write “Thank you!”

And, of course, you must write “Thank you!” as if you are truly thankful for what has come to pass.


To those who read this Medium essay, thank you so much!

And, to those who haven’t, thank you, too!

As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”

Best wishes, and have a truly lovely day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.

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