12 Unique Visions Of The Infinite — Part 03
You can find three more visions of infinity right below.
If you would like to read the first two parts, you can find them right here: part one and, of course, part two.
Vision 07: The Infinite List
Just imagine a list.
A list on a particular topic, theme; ad infinitum.
Our list has a beginning.
But, it has no ending.
Just as an example, your list might contain an infinite number of unique games that can exist.
Right within the list, there are an infinite number of unique games that can exist.
You can dive into this list for an endless wealth of eternities.
But, you will never, ever, reach an end, or limit, to what is within this list.
Just for fun, you can imagine that this list contains, within itself, an infinite number of sections.
Every single one of these sections contains an infinite number of unique games.
But, that’s not all; they also contain an infinite number of sections, within themselves.
Just Imagine that.
Vision 08: Surpassing The Light
A light year is 5.88 trillion miles.
You can imagine a light year.
And, then, you can “plex” this body.
You write out the number 5.88 trillion, followed by that number of zeroes.
Just imagine a body of space as vast as that.
And, then, imagine that you go through an infinite number of those light years, every single second.
If you did so, you would never reach the end of an infinite thing.
Just as an example, even if you did the above, you would never reach the end of an infinite list.
The reason for this is simple: infinity, by its very nature, has no ending.
Even if you went through an infinite thing infinitely, you would never find, or reach, an ending.
Vision 09: A Neverending Catalog
Have you ever read one of those “IKEA” catalogs?
Or, really, any catalog?
If you have, then you know what a catalog is, in its simplest form.
A container.
A container for products.
Products and, in turn, possibilities.
A new desk, or a fancy television, is a product.
But, it is also a possibility.
Our ninth vision, then, is a catalog.
A neverending catalog.
No endings.
You can find, within this catalog, an infinite wealth of products.
Right within this catalog, there are an infinite number of sections and spaces, each one containing an infinite number of unique products, as well as an infinite number of new sections and spaces.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
The vastness of infinity is what inspires.
But, only to a point.
On its own, infinity is inspiring.
And, yet, infinity is most inspiring when it is connected to something specific.
Specific, yet rich.